Registered Reports

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Overall rating of Registered Reports peer review process

Info icon Based on 7 ratings from authors/reviewers

Speed: 3.7 (7)Number of question responses this average is based on

Quality: 4.4 (83)Number of question responses this average is based on

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By stage

Stage Speed Quality
Stage 1 Not enough data ? 4.6 (37)Number of question responses this average is based on
Stage 2 Not enough data ? 4.3 (46)Number of question responses this average is based on

By role

Role Speed Quality
Author 4.4 (5)Number of question responses this average is based on 4.5 (59)Number of question responses this average is based on
Reviewer Not enough data ? 4.3 (24)Number of question responses this average is based on

By role x Stage

Role x Stage Speed Quality
Author (Stage 1) Not enough data ? 4.7 (24)Number of question responses this average is based on
Author (Stage 2) Not enough data ? 4.3 (35)Number of question responses this average is based on
Reviewer (Stage 1) Not enough data ? 4.3 (13)Number of question responses this average is based on
Reviewer (Stage 2) Not enough data ? 4.4 (11)Number of question responses this average is based on

How are these ratings calculated?

By question

This section shows average ratings/distributions for each question in the feedback survey, by role and stage. It may be that you are particularly interested in one aspect of the Registered Reports peer review process at this journal, beyond the ratings above. N.B. Some of these will be more useful than others, but we want to present everything!

QuestionStage 1Stage 2
Speed of response to a presubmission enquiry (if applicable)No data yet ?
Speed of response to any other author enquiries (if applicable)Not enough data ?Not enough data ?
Speed of Stage 1 peer reviewNot enough data ?
Speed of Stage 2 peer reviewNot enough data ?
Speed of the editorial decision (when manuscript was rejected)No data yet ?No data yet ?
QuestionStage 1Stage 2
Speed of response by the journal to your enquiries (if any)Not enough data ?Not enough data ?

QuestionStage 1Stage 2
Administrative handling of the manuscript, over and above the review processNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Clarity and accessibility of the journal's RR policyNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Clarity and efficiency of the manuscript handling systemNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Flexibility of editor to unforeseen circumstances, e.g. in granting extensions of submission deadline, necessary deviations from the approved protocol etc.Not enough data ?Not enough data ?
Quality of editorial input, including clarity of editorial guidanceNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Quality of feedback from the editor in rejection letterNo data yet ?No data yet ?
Quality of response from the editor to a presubmission enquiry (if applicable)No data yet ?
Quality of Stage 1 peer reviewsNot enough data ?
Quality of Stage 2 peer reviewsNot enough data ?
The extent to which the journal adhered to general principles/spirit of RRsNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
The extent to which the journal adhered to its stated policy on RRsNot enough data ?Not enough data ?

How many rounds of peer review were there at Stage 1?

  • Not enough data ?

Number of peer reviewers at Stage 1

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor read your Stage 1 manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

Has your experience at Collabra: Psychology changed your opinion of RRs overall?

  • Not enough data ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in desk-rejecting your Stage 1 manuscript?

  • No data yet ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in granting in-principle acceptance to your manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in rejecting your Stage 1 manuscript?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent did the editor's rejection letter provide useful information about the reasons for the rejection?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent did you feel coerced into making invalid or unnecessary changes to the manuscript (i.e. hypotheses, methods, analyses) in order to achieve Stage 1 acceptance? Please consider only invalid or unnecessary changes, not changes you agreed with.

  • Not enough data ?

To what extent do you believe that the journal (e.g. through editorial action/inaction or policy) bears at least some responsibility for the withdrawal of your submission following Stage 1 acceptance?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent do you feel that the reviewers/editor were granted too much, too little, or the right amount of power to shape your study design at Stage 1?

  • Not enough data ?

Would you submit a Registered Report to Collabra: Psychology again?

  • Not enough data ?

Have you ever submitted a regular empirical article (other than a Registered Report) to Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?

How many rounds of peer review were there at Stage 2?

  • Not enough data ?

Number of peer reviewers at Stage 2

  • Not enough data ?

At Stage 2, to what extent did the reviewers/editor evaluate the manuscript at least in part based on the obtained results, over and above your interpretation of those results?

  • Not enough data ?

At Stage 2, to what extent did the reviewers/editor reevaluate parts of the Stage 1 manuscript (e.g. study rationale, methods, confirmatory analysis plans) that had already received Stage 1 In-Principle Acceptance?

  • Not enough data ?

At Stage 2, to what extent do you feel that the reviewers/editor pressured (or required) you to perform extra analyses that you believe were invalid or unnecessary?

  • Not enough data ?

At Stage 2, to what extent do you feel the reviewers/editor pressured (or required) you to inappropriately alter parts of the manuscript that were previously approved at Stage 1?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor read your Stage 2 manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

Has your experience at Collabra: Psychology changed your opinion of RRs overall?

  • Not enough data ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in accepting your Stage 2 manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in desk-rejecting your Stage 2 manuscript?

  • No data yet ?

In retrospect, do you believe the editor made the correct decision in rejecting your Stage 2 manuscript?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent did the editor's rejection letter provide useful information about the reasons for the rejection?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent did you feel coerced into making invalid or unnecessary changes to the manuscript (i.e. hypotheses, methods, analyses) in order to achieve Stage 2 acceptance? Please consider only invalid or unnecessary changes, not changes you agreed with.

  • Not enough data ?

To what extent do you feel that the reviewers/editor were overly inflexible about necessary deviations from the approved Stage 1 manuscript at Stage 2?

  • Not enough data ?

Would you submit a Registered Report to Collabra: Psychology again?

  • Not enough data ?

Have you ever submitted a regular empirical article (other than a Registered Report) to Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?
QuestionStage 1Stage 2
Clarity and accessibility of the journal's RR policy and expectations of reviewersNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Clarity and efficiency of the manuscript handling systemNot enough data ?Not enough data ?
Extent to which the authors responded appropriately and constructively to your review(s) through either revision or rebuttalNot enough data ?No data yet ?
Extent to which the editor helped authors resolve conflicting recommendations between reviewersNo data yet ?No data yet ?
Extent to which the editor took into account your review in their editorial decision(s)Not enough data ?Not enough data ?
Flexibility of journal or editor to unforeseen circumstances, e.g. in granting extensions of review deadlines, etc.No data yet ?No data yet ?
Overall quality of editing (to the extent observed)Not enough data ?Not enough data ?
Quality of comments provided by any other reviewers (to the extent observed)No data yet ?No data yet ?

How many rounds of peer review were there at Stage 1?

  • Not enough data ?

Did your experience reviewing this manuscript change your view about potentially submitting a Registered Report to Collabra: Psychology as an author?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor made the correct editorial decision?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor read the manuscript you reviewed?

  • Not enough data ?

Has your experience at Collabra: Psychology changed your opinion of RRs overall?

  • Not enough data ?

To what extent do you feel that you were granted too much, too little, or the right amount of power to shape the authors' proposed study design at Stage 1?

  • Not enough data ?

Would you review a Registered Report for Collabra: Psychology again?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you feel you received sufficient credit or other acknowledgment for your review?

  • Not enough data ?

Have you ever reviewed a regular empirical article (other than a Registered Report) for Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?

Were there any aspects of your review(s) that you feel the authors (or editor) either ignored or dismissed inappropriately?

  • Not enough data ?

How many rounds of peer review were there at Stage 2?

  • Not enough data ?

Did your experience reviewing this manuscript change your view about potentially submitting a Registered Report to Collabra: Psychology as an author?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor made the correct editorial decision?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you believe the editor read the manuscript you reviewed?

  • Not enough data ?

Has your experience at Collabra: Psychology changed your opinion of RRs overall?

  • No data yet ?

To what extent was the approved Stage 1 manuscript available for comparison with the submitted Stage 2 manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

Would you review a Registered Report for Collabra: Psychology again?

  • Not enough data ?

Do you feel you received sufficient credit or other acknowledgment for your review?

  • Not enough data ?

Have you ever reviewed a regular empirical article (other than a Registered Report) for Collabra: Psychology?

  • No data yet ?

Were there any aspects of your review(s) that you feel the authors (or editor) either ignored or dismissed inappropriately?

  • Not enough data ?

Across all journals, on how many RR submissions have you been an author/co-author?

  • Not enough data ?

To what extent do you feel you could have feasibly revised the manuscript to satisfy the concerns raised? (Stage 1 - Manuscript rejected after one or more rounds of specialist peer review)

  • No data yet ?

What was the primary reason for you withdrawing your Stage 1 manuscript before IPA was given?

  • No data yet ?

Are you, or have ever been, a member of staff at Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?

Across all journals, on how many RR submissions have you been an author/co-author?

  • Not enough data ?

Are you, or have ever been, a member of staff at Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?

Across all journals, how many RR manuscripts have you reviewed?

  • Not enough data ?

Roughly how long did you spend preparing your review, including time taken to read the manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

What was the decision for the manuscript (if you know it)?

  • Not enough data ?

Are you, or have ever been, a member of staff at Collabra: Psychology?

  • Not enough data ?

What was your final peer review recommendation for the manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

Across all journals, how many RR manuscripts have you reviewed?

  • No data yet ?

Roughly how long did you spend preparing your review, including time taken to read the manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

What was the decision for the manuscript (if you know it)?

  • Not enough data ?

Are you, or have ever been, a member of staff at Collabra: Psychology?

  • No data yet ?

What was your final peer review recommendation for the manuscript?

  • Not enough data ?

Prior to your experience at Collabra: Psychology, what was your opinion of Registered Reports overall?

  • Not enough data ?

Prior to your experience at Collabra: Psychology, what was your opinion of Registered Reports overall?

  • Not enough data ?

Prior to your experience at Collabra: Psychology, what was your opinion of Registered Reports overall?

  • Not enough data ?

Prior to your experience at Collabra: Psychology, what was your opinion of Registered Reports overall?

  • Not enough data ?