How are these ratings calculated?

General info

Ratings are averages of 1-5 scores across responses. Averages for stage/role are calculated and combined using weighted averages to form supra-level categories.

For instance in the first 'By stage' table, Stage 1: Speed is a weighted average of the following averages from the 'By role x Stage' table: Author (Stage 1): Speed and Reviewer (Stage 1): Speed.

Speed category

This is a simple average of 1-5 star ratings, weighted by the number of responses for a given stage/role.

Quality category

This rating also includes certain non-star rating questions/responses, standardised to 1-5 ratings and combined with any 1-5 star ratings as a weighted average.

No data yet vs. Not enough data

Average ratings for a category or question item are shown if there are 5 or more responses.

No data yet

This is shown if there are no responses for a category or question item.

Not enough data

This is shown if there are between 1-4 responses for a category or question item.