Registered Reports

Community FeedbackImage of stars, showing a four out of five stars rating

Resources for Journal Editors

If you're a journal editor and wish to collect anonymous feedback on the Registered Reports process at your journal, you can refer authors and reviewers to this website.

There are three main ways to do this:

  1. Email previous Registered Reports authors and reviewers at your journal, providing them with a link to this website (example text)
  2. Include a link to this website in the final decision letters (Stage 1 and 2) sent to authors and reviewers (example text)
  3. Add a link to the Registered Reports section of your journal's website (example text)

We would encourage you to implement all three of the above - especially 1 and 2.

You are welcome to implement these without consulting us, but we'd love to hear from you if you've implemented them.

Likewise, if you have questions, please contact us.