Consent form
Please read the following information carefully.
By participating in this research, I confirm and understand:
- I am 18 years old or over.
- That I will only provide feedback if I have been an author or a reviewer of a Registered Reports manuscript, at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2.
- The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of how the Registered Reports manuscript format is implemented across academic journals.
- That any responses I provide as part of my feedback will be anonymised, in line with UK Data Protection legislation.
- I agree to contribute all my rating data (i.e. my responses to questions, excluding optional comments) under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence. This means that in the future the anonymised dataset of rating data of journals can be publicly released, allowing other researchers to use it for further research or other purposes, without seeking explicit permission from our research team (i.e. the dataset will be released as open data).
- That the data analysis and interpretation is attributable to the researcher rather than myself as a research participant.
- Any optional comments I provide will be kept confidential and not be shared, but may be used by the research team to identify themes of interest, and may form the basis of future research and publication.
- If I choose to provide gender and/or ethnicity information in my user profile, this will be kept confidential and only used by the research team to ascertain if, in aggregate, either of these characteristics influence peoples' experience of peer review.
- I understand that completing this survey is entirely voluntary and that I can withdraw from giving feedback at any time without giving a reason. I can do this by closing the browser window or navigating away from the survey.
- I understand that I can request for my personally identifying information (i.e. any profile data + any optional comments I provide) to be withdrawn from the study.
- Only researchers involved in the project can trace any pieces of feedback back to me individually.
For any complaints or issues with this research, please contact:
The Secretary,
School Research Ethics Committee,
School of Psychology,
Cardiff University,
Park Place,
CF10 3AT
Tel: +44 (0) 029208 70707